Nathan Tanner

Day 5: My Siblings: Brandon, Kristen and Jordan (30 Days of Gratitude)

Yesterday was national siblings day. I know I\’m a day late, but the number of national (fill in the blank) holidays is growing exponentially. I can barely keep up.

I\’m fortunate to have three siblings:

My early memories of Brandon are him yelling at me to get him a snack or throwing the basketball at me after I beat him 1:1. Needless to say we\’ve come a long way. Brandon was a high school senior when I was a freshman. We spent a lot of time together that year and we\’ve been close since. My favorite memory is the time he helped me get a new NetID (a username used for practically everything at BYU). My kind mom had originally selected \”Poloboy\” and, I freaked out when I found out. Brandon called BYU and, after finding out that a NetID could only be changed if it was offensive, proceeded to tell them that Poloboy was a swear word in French. The name was changed and I headed off to BYU a little less insecure. Brandon has always had my back.

She is a crack up. When we get together as a family, she doesn\’t just bring the entertainment, she is the entertainment. Her \”fish without a tail\” dance is legendary and often on display at family gatherings. She is the best aunt and always makes our kids feel special. Kristen has the best memory, and sometimes remembers things that I\’m pretty sure never happened. 🙂 No matter what\’s going on in my life I know that Kristen will lend an ear. She\’s an amazing sister.

As kids, Jordan and I could be found on the Xbox playing the latest version of Madden Football. My mom used to joke that we spoke our own language. We had some legendary battles and probably spent too much time playing video games, but I sometimes wish we could go back to those days when our biggest concern was who was better at Madden. When I started writing my book, I think Jordan was the only one who took it seriously and gave me immediate feedback as I finished each chapter.

The four of us have all grown older and live in different cities, but we\’ve managed to stay close. I love each one of them.

I\’m grateful for my siblings.
